Hire a Native Plant
PNW Native Plant Habitat Design
Urban Rewilding specializes in providing native plant landscaping designs to homeowners and businesses. We are passionate about helping you create a useful, beautiful, fruitful native plant landscape with low maintenance, needs no chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides, and supports as much wildlife as possible.
We do this by building healthy, functioning ecosystems in urban areas. A healthy ecosystem will serve many functions, like filtering rainwater runoff, removing CO2 from the air, and providing habitat and food for wildlife and people.
We will work with you to create a custom plan that fits your needs and budget and is most beneficial for our native plants and wildlife. From native plant selection and installation to maintenance and care, we are here to help you create an ecologically sound and resilient outdoor landscape space that you can enjoy for years.
Our mission is to provide our customers with the resources, guidance, and expertise to bring native plants into their gardens, yards, and larger landscapes.